mds9124(config)# interface fc1/5
mds9124(config-if)# switchport description Connection to Lancelot fc1/12
mds9124(config-if)# switchport speed 4000
mds9124(config-if)# switchport mode E
mds9124(config)# vsan database
mds9124(config-vsan-db)# vsan 10 name RED
mds9124(config-vsan-db)# vsan 10 interface fc1/3
Traffic on fc1/3 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n] y
mds9124(config)# show vsan membership
vsan 1 interfaces:
fc1/1 fc1/2 fc1/4 fc1/6
fc1/8 fc1/9 fc1/10 fc1/11
fc1/12 fc1/13 fc1/14 fc1/15
fc1/16 fc1/17 fc1/18 fc1/19
fc1/20 fc1/21 fc1/22 fc1/23
vsan 10 interfaces:
mds9124(config)# show vsan
vsan 1 information
name:VSAN0001 state:active
interoperability mode:default
operational state:up
vsan 10 information
name:RED state:active
interoperability mode:default
operational state:up
! VSAN configuration should me manually done on all switches
! VSAN should ALWAYS be configured in the VSAN alowed trunk list otherwise all configured VSANs wil use the trunk.
! VSAN should ALWAYS be configured in the VSAN alowed trunk list otherwise all configured VSANs wil use the trunk.
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