пятница, 24 мая 2013 г.

DPVM = Dynamic VSAN Port Membership

If task states that server HBAs can be moved from one MDS to another - time to use DPVM!

Step1: create VSAN an assign server's port to it.
mds9124(config)# vsan database
mds9124(config-vsan-db)# vsan 20 name BLUE
mds9124(config-vsan-db)# vsan 20 interface fc1/3
Traffic on fc1/3 may be impacted. Do you want to continue? (y/n) [n] y
mds9124(config-vsan-db)# exit

Step2: Create DPVM database for the HBA(s):
mds9124(config)# dpvm enable ! tab does not work on this command. You should type it manually
mds9124(config)# dpvm database
mds9124(config-dpvm-db)# device-alias Initiator vsan 20
Error: Device-alias dpvm  member unsupported in device-alias basic mode
!need to have enchanced mode for device-alias
mds9124(config)# device-alias mode enhanced
mds9124(config)# device-alias commit
mds9124(config-dpvm-db)# device-alias Initiator vsan 20
Successful. Commit should follow for command to take effect.
mds9124(config)# dpvm commit
Commit operation initiated. Check dpvm session status

Step3: activate DPVM database with a force parameter (without force commit might fail)
mds9124(config)# dpvm activate force
Successful. Commit should follow for command to take effect.
mds9124(config)# dpvm commit
Commit operation initiated. Check dpvm session status

Step4: verify the results
mds9124(config)# show dpvm status
DB is activated successfully, auto-learn is off, distribution is enabled,
Duplicated pwwn will be  Rejected.
mds9124(config)# show dpvm database
device-alias Initiator [21:00:00:e0:8b:0a:fc:6d] vsan 20
device-alias TestFcalias [50:0a:09:82:99:9b:48:e0] vsan 20
[Total 2 entries]

!In order to automatically copy DPVM configuraiton, on other switches you should do:
1. dpvm enable - on other switches
2. dpvm commit - on switch which has the configuration

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